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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Skimboarding Spots

Use the map to find skim spots near you. You can grab the map and drag it around as well as zoom in and out.  Click on the marker to get some information about the spot. To submit a spot, check out the information below the map.

View Skim Spots in a larger map

To submit a spot send an email to
  • Put “Skim Spot” as the subject of the email. 
  • Include the following information: 
    • Name of the spot. 
    • Location. 
    • A description of the skimboarding spot. 
    •  GPS Coordinates of the spot. An easy way to get this is to use Google maps. Find the spot on Google Maps. Right click on the spot and then select “what’s here” from the menu that pops up. When you do that, it will put an arrow on the spot and the GPS Coordinates will be put into the search box. Make sure you send these GPS Coordinates. 
    • Photos of the spot would be great. 
    •  Any links to videos at the spot would be awesome!

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Virgin River water levels

Virgin River water levels
Check out how high the river is before you go.

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